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Radio Universal Life


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Spiritual Help for the Day

The day is our friend. If we live it correctly, if we use the chances that every moment offers us, many things can change for the better. Start your day with Gabriele, the prophetess and emissary of God for our time. Attune to the day with words spoken from the opened consciousness of Wisdom with help for the moment, for the day, indeed, for our whole life.

  • "The Day can not Wear me out - I Bear Him with the Positive Force in Everything"
    Meditation - Your Thoughts Are Your Day (Monday)


  • "A Good Day Starts with a Good Resolution that Does Not Remain Just a Resolution but Which we Also Keep"
    Meditation - Your Thoughts Are Your Day (Tuesday)


  • "The Morning Already Sets the Course for Our Day"
    Meditation - Your Thoughts Are Your Day (Wednesday)


  • "We Should Look at Ourselves, at Our Faults and Weaknesses, at the Ones of our Neighbor"
    Meditation - Your Thoughts Are Your Day (Thursday)


  • "If We Build on Christ, We Build on the Rock"
    Meditation - Your Thoughts Are Your Day (Friday)


  • "In Becoming Still We Practice to get into the Present Which Is God"
    Meditation - Your Thoughts Are Your Day (Saturday)


  • "The Courage to Tackle Things"
    Meditation - Your Thoughts Are Your Day (Sunday)
