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Radio Universal Life


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The Sermon on the Mount of Jesus of Nazareth

The Sermon on the Mount of Jesus of Nazareth contains simple instructions for people living together, the observance of which leads us to peace in ourselves, to peace with our fellow human beings and also with our fellow creatures, the animals – to a fulfilled, creative life, the life in the Spirit of God.

  • Part 1: The Beatitudes
    The Sermon on the Mount of Jesus of Nazareth


  • Part 2: The Calls of Woe
    The Sermon on the Mount of Jesus of Nazareth


  • Part 3: Follow Me
    The Sermon on the Mount of Jesus of Nazareth


  • Part 4: Reconcile with Your Neighbor
    The Sermon on the Mount of Jesus of Nazareth


  • Part 5: Do Not Tie Yourselves to People or Things
    The Sermon on the Mount of Jesus of Nazareth


  • Part 6: Learn True Prayer
    The Sermon on the Mount of Jesus of Nazareth


  • Part 7: Find the Positive in the Negative
    The Sermon on the Mount of Jesus of Nazareth


  • Part 8: Where Your Treasure Is, There Is Your Heart
    The Sermon on the Mount of Jesus of Nazareth


  • Part 9: Do Not Judge Your Neighbor
    The Sermon on the Mount of Jesus of Nazareth


  • Part 10: Resist Temptation – Decide for God
    The Sermon on the Mount of Jesus of Nazareth
