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Radio Universal Life


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Meditative Reflections and Inner Focus

Like nature, we human beings also need times of rest and contemplation every now and then. By focusing inward, we experience through the words of Gabriele, the prophetess and emissary of God, that we may experience the security in God, the universal Free Spirit, who cannot be grasped in rites and dogmas, but dwells in the soul of every human being. These are moments in which we sense the great connection in which we all live and which keeps us alive: the unity between humankind and nature, between humankind and God.

  • "Christ, the Light of Resurrection, Shines into Our Souls"
    Meditation for Internalizing a Conscious Life


  • "Christ Is the Redemption in Us"
    A Meditation of Contemplation for a Conscious Life


  • The "Our Father"


  • "God Is Present Light"
    Meditation for Internalizing a Conscious Life


  • "Drops of Life"
    Meditation for Internalizing a Conscious Life


  • "Build the Bridge to Christ"
    Meditation for Internalizing a Conscious Life


  • "Everything Is in Bloom"
    Meditation with an Imaginary Walk Through a Flowering Meadow


  • "A Meditation for Learning"
    Meditation for Internalizing a Conscious Life
